Shakespeare's Stratford Treasure Trail
Find the answers to these clues on our website and enter the answer on the grid below.
Q1. Go shopping and be 'Aspired'. What is the 3rd to last digit of their telephone number?
Q2. Go out eating to a restaurant named after Larry. What is the first letter of the area supplying the type of meat that this place is named?
Q3. Go to a B&B named after a James Bond movie. What is the last letter of the surname of the people who run it?
Q4. Go to Anne’s Cottage. What is the first letter of the trust that bought it in 1892?
Q5. Go to a hotel named after a bird of prey. How many conference rooms does it have?
Q6. Go and travel on a boat. What is the first letter of the boat between Rosalind and Miranda?
Q7. Time for a massage from a local service provider. How many letters in his surname?